Most like sprung mattresses
The Latex mattress is a low-risk pressure mattress but provides unique bounce-back support which makes it easy for transfers. Suitable on any base platform.
This rating is based on our average peak pressure of <31mmHg. For some high-risk clients, Icare Zerotec covers are recommended.
Icare risk category ratings are based on average peak pressure, Therapist recommendation, case studies, industry comparison and the Waterlow scale. For some high-risk clients, Icare Zerotec covers are recommended. The best way to assess a client on a pressure reducing surface is to monitor pressure points with visual checks over a period of 5 days.
Key Features
- 180mm Mattress Depth
- SWL Minimum 45kg
- SWL Maximum 220kg
- 5 Year Limited Warranty
- No turn design reducing manual handling
- Waterlow ≤14
- Immersion Rating: Low
- Envelopment Score: 3/5
- Latex material will easier contour to any profiling platform
- Polycotton cotton tack and jump quilted cover
- Long Single Mattress Size: 2030 x 900
- King Single Mattress Size: 2030 x 107
- Long Double Mattress Size: 2030 x 1350
- Queen Mattress Size: 2030 x 1520
Key Functions
Natural Latex: Latex is naturally antibacterial. It is a natural rubber product that provides excellent support and bounce back.
Solid Support Foam Base: The Latex core has pin hole ventilated giving the more air movement helping to regulate temperature
Quilted Cover: Super soft quilted cover giving the mattress a home look and feel